SELL at 1742.00 T/P 1: 1737.00 T/P 2: 1734.00 T/P 3: 1731.00 S/L: 1752.00 #XAUUSD hit T/P 2 Price with +800 PIPs Profit
Author: GOLD Signals TEAM
SELL at 1724.50 T/P 1: 1720.00 T/P 2: 1716.50 T/P 3: 1711.50 S/L: 1735.00 #XAUUSD Update: cancelled
SELL at 1740.00 T/P 1: 1736.00 T/P 2: 1731.00 T/P 3: 1726.00 T/P 4: 1721.00 S/L: 1750.00 #XAUUSD hit T/P 3 Price with +1.400 PIPs…
BUY at 1747.50 T/P 1: 1752.50 T/P 2: 1757.50 T/P 3: 1762.50 S/L: 1735.50 #XAUUSD Update: cancelled
BUY at 1744.50 T/P 1: 1748.50 T/P 2: 1753.50 S/L: 1734.50 #XAUUSD hit T/P 2 Price with +900 PIPs
SELL at 1735.00 T/P 1: 1730.00 T/P 2: 1725.00 T/P 3: 1720.00 S/L: 1745.00 #XAUUSD Update: cancelled
BUY at 1735.50 T/P 1: 1740.50 T/P 2: 1745.50 T/P 3: 1750.50 S/L: 1720.00 #XAUUSD hit T/P 3 Price with +1.500 PIPs
GOLD Signal – 1.3.2021 | S/L: = -1.000 PIPs GOLD Signal – 2.3.2021 | S/L: -1.000 PIPs GOLD Signal – 3.3.2021 | T/P 3: +1.000…
BUY at 1686.50 T/P 1: 1691.50 T/P 2: 1696.50 T/P 3: 1701.50 T/P 4: 1706.50 S/L: 1676.50 #XAUUSD hit T/P 4 Price with +2.000 PIPs…